Vegan Hospitality works with hospitality groups globally.

We help organizations define their objectives, develop a roadmap to achieve them, and monitor their progress.

Examples of objectives we can help you with:

  • Sustainability: Updating culinary programming to achieve corporate sustainability targets

  • Branding: Achieving brand recognition as a trendsetter/leader in the future of food

  • Certification: Certifying staff in vegan friendly service to meet awards criteria and professional development standards

  • Back of House: Updating kitchen staff systems to create confidence and ease with plant based ingredients

  • Front of House: Minimizing service mistakes and maximizing 5 star reviews

  • Marketing: Attracting new customers, targeting a market of next generation guests

Through strategic planning, we guide your leadership team through the following steps:

  1. Define your mission, vision, and values as they relate to your F&B programming: This involves helping you create a food philosophy that aligns with your company values, that will shape F&B programming decisions and actions.

  2. Analyze your current practices: We conduct a SWOT analysis to identify your current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis helps your team identify areas where you can build on your F&B programs current strengths, address its weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and mitigate threats.

  3. Set objectives and goals: Based on the SWOT analysis, we work with you to set objectives and goals that align with their mission, vision, and values. These objectives and goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

  4. Develop strategies and action plans: We then develop strategies and action plans that outline how you will achieve your objectives. This involves identifying the resources and capabilities needed, defining key performance indicators (KPIs), and assigning responsibilities and timelines. A typical action plan may include, for example, evaluating and modifying menus, implementing staff training protocols, and adjusting marketing language for next generation guests. 

  5. Monitor and evaluate progress: As you execute your strategic plan, we help you monitor and evaluate your progress against your objectives and goals. This helps us identify areas where we may need to adjust strategy or tactics and ensure that your company remains on track to achieve its objectives.

  6. Adjust the plan as necessary: As circumstances change, corporations may need to adjust their strategic plans. This involves reviewing the plan, assessing the impact of changes, and making adjustments to the strategies and action plans as necessary.

Ready to discuss partnering on your goals? Contact us below and our executive team will reach out to schedule a call at your convenience.