3 Crucial Signs That Your Restaurant Needs a Vegan Menu and How to Create One Now

Imagine a vegan guest is seated at your restaurant and is handed a menu. Will they easily find dishes that were created with them in mind? Or will they need to sift through descriptions of lamb chops and chicken breast and other items that may trigger their emotional connection with the animal that was slaughtered for a meal? 

For people who have chosen to abstain from eating animals for ethical reasons, reading menu descriptions of non-vegan dishes can cause emotional distress, and that is not the experience you want your customers to be having in your restaurant. We see this happening more often as documentaries revealing animal cruelty become accessible and widespread, and people are watching them and changing the way that they eat. 

It’s also important for you to consider your bottom line in this equation -- Is a vegan menu a good fit for your restaurant, and will it make you more money than what you’re currently bringing in from serving vegan guests? 

Here are 3 crucial signs that your restaurant needs a vegan menu:

  1. You’re already receiving daily requests for vegan and vegetarian meals. Even just 1 request per day is a major sign that you could be multiplying your sales x10+ with a separate menu specifically tailored for vegans.

  1. You consider your restaurant “trendy,” “forward thinking,” “sustainability minded” or “health conscious”. Having a separate vegan menu will be on-theme for your restaurant and will help you attract your ideal customers.

  1. Other restaurants in your neighborhood have started creating vegan menus or advertising their vegan options. It’s only a matter of time that your neighborhood becomes vegan friendly, with delicious options everywhere, and you’ll want to get in on the action early rather than be a latecomer to this powerful trend that has plans to stick around for good.

If a vegan menu is a good fit for your restaurant, you’ll want to make sure your new menu includes creative dishes from bread basket to dessert. You’ll want to train your kitchen staff in plant based cooking and your front of house staff in vegan customer service. You’ll want to make sure every ingredient is properly checked to make sure it’s 100% vegan and that your kitchen understands proper food safety protocols for vegan food service.

For restaurants ready to start attracting more guests by becoming vegan friendly, our High Impact Hospitality Program is a perfect fit. We make sure to check off all the boxes for our clients to get you top reviews from the vegan community and leave you feeling proud that you have confidently moved into the plant-based era of customer service.